Well-Planned Line of Action Thanks to Professional Daily Planning

  • If you want to permanently change your current situation and perspective without any risk or effort, just work in a more well-planned manner than before.
  • If you want to be better and seem better than others, just plan more than others.

This web page was made for people who are interested in more planning at work.


The foundation for a more well-planned line of action is having a plan that reflects your entire personal sphere of work and responsibility. Such a plan is updated continuously and renewed regarding progress, new experiences, and changes in your environment. With the personal 2ease SMan planning system, you only need a few minutes per day to always have a good plan. You’ll work in a well-planned manner in the short, medium and long term. You’ll be more productive, more valued, and feel better.


To work more well-planned, you have to change what you undertake and how you undertake it. You need to adopt a more professional culture of planning.

This entails not going into a day without a plan. You need to start every workday with a review of the previous day and make a new plan for the following days. If you want to undertake something, you plan it out in writing and make sure you follow it. Thus, you need a medium and formal logic for planning, which is provided by 2ease.


In order to change current planning habits for the better and acquire a professional planning culture, it is very beneficial to have a mentor for professional planning. Using the new medium and formal logic for planning isn’t difficult, but quite unfamiliar in the beginning. Without much time and effort, a mentor can provide support/reassurance and valuable instructions.

If a single person acts with a strategic plan, they can close gaps in the work planning of their company. Which is good for the individual and their colleagues.